299.8682° +40.7339°
Quick-look results provided by the ASM/RXTE team
Web page design and software coding by Derek Fox

Data solution currently runs through Week 831 (continuous coverage from 2/20/96 to 1/1/2012, MJDs 50133-55927). Plots show only recent data, but all data are accessible through the form interface.

One-Day Averages

Dwell by Dwell

Start Day (MJD) Stop Day (MJD)
Select Columns

Power Spectrum

Retrieve Power Spectrum
Lower Freq Upper Freq
X Axis
Y Axis

Filters for ASM quick-look data:

  1. Reduced chi-square of the fit <1.5, except for Sco X-1 <8.0
  2. Number of sources in the field of view <16
  3. Earth angle >75 degrees
  4. Exposure time >30 seconds
  5. Long-axis angle theta: -43< theta <46 degrees
  6. Short-axis angle phi: -4.8< phi <4.8 degrees
For the last two items, note that the full SSC field of view is 110 degrees (theta) by 12 degrees (phi).
Power Spectrum ASCII data file contains two columns:
  1. Frequency (in 1/hours)
  2. Power/<Power> for that frequency
Power density spectra are created by averaging the light curves into 0.05 day (1 hour 12 min) bins, subtracting the mean value of all inhabited bins from each inhabited bin, and taking an FFT. The resulting power in each frequency bin is divided by the average power over the whole frequency range. Note that the frequency is plotted in inverse hours.